Friday, June 26, 2009


mesothelioma is membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. It is composed of two layers of cells. One layer immediately surrounds the organ, the other forms a sac around it. mesothelioma produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs to glide easily against adjacent structures.
mesothelioma has different names, depending upon its location in the body. Peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity. Pleura is membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines, the wall of the chest cavity. pericardium covers and protects the heart.
mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis. tunica serosa uteri covers the internal reproductive organs in women.


Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the bodys internal organs.
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.

Microsoft launches home energy monitoring tool

Microsoft launches home energy monitoring tool
Agence France-presse
US software giant Microsoft launched a free online home energy monitoring tool on Wednesday that allows consumers to gauge their usage and reduce consumption.
Microsoft Hohm, available as a beta, or test, version in the US at, lets users "better understand their energy usage, get recommendations and start saving money," Microsoft said.
Microsoft said the tool uses advanced analytics licensed from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the US Department of Energy.
It said Hohm provides suggestions for energy conservation based on home energy input data and feedback contributed by users.
Savings recommendations can range from caulking windows to removing air leaks to installing a programmable thermostat, Microsoft said.
Microsofts launcs of Hohm comes a month after Google announced that it had partnered with energy companies in six US states, Canada and India in "smart meter" software which allows consumers to monitor their home electricity usage.
The Google Power meter can tell residents which devices or appliances in their homes are being electricity hogs and which are being frugal with energy.

MARKET WATCH Auto stocks drive down benchmarks

MARKET WATCH Auto stocks drive down benchmarks
Widespread selling in auto and some other stocks, including Reliance Industries offset gains from short covering on the expiry of the June derivatives contracts, as shares closed lower on Thursday. The markets are going through the motions, said Mr Arun Kejriwal, Director of KRIS Pvt Ltd.

BANKING Moodys caution on Indian banks

Banking Moodys caution on Indian banks
Moodys Investors Service has warned that Indian banking system asset quality could come under strain, with higher levels of non-performing loans, as a reversal of the favourable credit cycle that has underpinned robust Indian loan growth over the past few years has gradually occured.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


ABG Shipyard Ltd will revise its offer price for great offshore after Bharati Shipyard announces its offer price next week. "we will wait and which will be made next week. There is no rationale in reviewing the price now, " said Mr Dhananjay Datar, CFO".

INFO TECH Mahindra Satyam CEO gets out agenda

INFO TECH Mahindra Satyam CEO gets out agenda
Mr C.P.Gurnani, the newly appointed CEO of Mahindra Satyam, has said that his immediate priority is to get the company re-energised and make it "the happiest place to work in". He said the company had tremendous strengths in delivery excellence, and differentiated service offerings.

Monday, June 22, 2009


NOW A DAYS INTERNET USERS INCREASING DAY BY DAY, SO MANY domains available, millions of millions searches are taking place on search engine. Buying new domains are increasing everyday. new hosting services are also increasing, resellers of hosting services, increasing and earning money from the reselling hosting services, now hosting services available for every person , here we get different types of hosting services, cheap hosting, business plan hosting, corporate hosting services, now we can buy hosting services from this big company for the low amount.
companies like,,,, all this companies sell domain and hosting services for personal or for business, they access credit cards, google check out, paypal and some allow direct deposit in bank account.
So, what are u waiting for go buy domain and Hosting services for u r domain and start u r personal website or u r business through domain and hosting services.

Friday, June 19, 2009

400 enter race to marry millionaires

Seoul, June 17
Almost 400 south Koreans have applied to marry a millionaires who advertised for a Soulmate but only eight "serious-minded" applicants will make the final cut, a matchmaking agency said on Wednesday. The 49 year old woman who is reportedly worth $18 million has been seeking a husband through an online advertisement since may 20, a spokeswoman for Sunoo matchmaking agency said. Some 394 men - including doctors, lawyers, accountants, soldiers and governement employees and ranging in age from 26 to 49 years - responded to the advertisement. The woman picked eight of the men for interviews and is expected to meet two or three months. "The Bride prefers average but serious persons to high-flying professionals", the spokeswoman said."She wants a soulmate with a passion for life, who will share the ups and downs of life with her."- AFP


New York, June 17
New yorkers are American's angriest drivers, according to a survey published on Tuesday. The fourth annual Road Rage Survey by Auto Vantage, a national auto club, saw New York jump from third to top in the angry league. Following the Big Apple were Dallas Fort Worth Detroit, Atlanta and Minneapolis / saint paul. The calmest drivers cruise the laid- back roads of Portland, Oregon. The survey classifies road rage as drivers who overreact, drive aggressively speed, cut into lanes, tailgate and honk Horns. But Auto Vantage also delves into the motivations for road rage. Common triggers are the sight of other drivers making obscene gestures, talking on mobile phones, or multi -tasking' behind the wheel, including shaving, the survey found. The study questioned 2,518 people across the country. - AFP

Tattoo trauma teen to sue parlour

Brussels, june 17
A Belgian teenager said on tuesday that she would sue a tattoo parlour for covering half her face with stars while she was asleep. Kimberley Vlaeminck, 18, was left sporting 56 black stars of various sizes on the left side of her face, from nose to ear and brow to chin. The young housewife said she had gone to the tattoo parlour in the Western town of courtrai and asked for three small stars on her face. She said she also hoped to have her starry appearance reversed by laser treatment, which would cost thousands of euros. Tattoo artist Rouslan Toumaniantz denied that his client had fallen asleep. "she was awake the whole time, I don't use hypnosis or drugs. She agreed to it. The problems started when her father and his friend saw the tattoos," he told the paper. - AFP

Octomum Web site in Dock

Los angeles, june 17
A website which videotaped octuplets born in California earlier this year has been cited for child labour law violations, state authorities revealed on tuesday. Radar online has received four citations alleging it failed to make proper arrangements when it filmed two of the babies born to Nadya suleman, who made worldwide headlines following the birth of the octuplets in January. California's Department of INustrial Relations launched an investigations in May after suleman signed a contract with Radar which took effect on april 13. Among the citations, the agency alleged Radar failed to have a permit for employing minors and failed to have an entertainment permit. The site could be fined up to $3,000 if the citations stand - AFP

Monday, June 8, 2009

Barclays sees 7 percent growth

Financial services provider Barclays Capital on Thursday revised India's growth rate projection upwards, from 5.5 percent to 7.2 percent for this fiscal on the back of recovery in consumer spending.
In a research report, the firm said that the initial stages of recovery in India's economic scenario will be driven by a strong pick-up in inventories and investment supported by easing credit conditions.
Barclays said that the recovery "will be motivated by the lagged impact of the loosening of monetary policy and reduction in the panic seen among corporates and banks."
Moreover, it added that the lagged impact of fiscal stimulus, will be also be an important driver of growth in 2009-2010 and should support the recovery in consumer spending, which seems to have already started.
In fact, the firm expects Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to tighten money supply later this year. It could hike short-term borrowing rate reverse repo, by 50 basis points later this year, followed by hike in short-term lending rate repo and cash reserve ratio.

Ramky gets Rs 200 crore funding

Ramky Environment Engineers Ltd, a division of Ramky Group, has received an investment of Rs 200 crore from IL&FS Investment Managers.
The funds involved in providing the investment are Standard Chartered IL & FS Asia infrastructure Growth Fund singapore. Tara India Holding Ltd mauritius, Tara India Fund 3 Domestic Trust mumbai, and Tara Inida Fund 3 Trust mumbai, a company statement said.
The funds take an active management approach to invest in portfolio comprising of infrstructure sector including transportation, energy, power, water, environment, telecom and urban infrastructure.
The fund will have a primary focus on the rapidly growing Indian markets, the company said.

Banking on blunders

BIZ street Chiranjit Banerjee
BANKERS HAVE not been a popular lot with investors and savers for a while now. But they only have themselves to blame for this erosion in credibility. RBS is haemorrhaging after the reckless takeover of ABN Amro Bank. Obviously, the Scottish bankers threw due diligence out of the window in their attempt to turn cowboys.
Nomura acquired Lehman Brothers' troubled assets including all its overvalued human resources in India in October last year and by April of this year, they had let the entire leadership team headed by the three prima donnas, Surojit Shome, Prashant Purkar and Ashok Mittal go.
Nomura's senior management in Tokyo seemed to be blissfully unaware of the potential lemons that the overpaid traders of Lehman India had stocked in their portfolio when the takeover talks were on. The sacking of the leadership team that followed was a typical case of "buyer's remorse."
The grapevine is now flush with the series of blunders that seem the series of blunders that seem to have been committed by a vintage European Bank that has been a relatively late entrant to India. This bank's captive technology unit that is located close to mumbai has experienced a churn at the highest level within a year of operations as the off-shored enntity missed all its cost savings targets.
Sources point to the imprudent hiring of top deck managers. none of whom were weaned on functional banking. Almost all its senior management was drawn from a mid-sized Indian IT services company thanks to the former chief executive officer's largesse.
Despite clear instructions from its headquarters, the local management did not bring on board proven banking technology professionals. It was only when the ineptitude of the clueless top managers became visible to the bank's chief investment officer that the bank embarked on a massive recruiting campaign to snap up talent from peer group banks but it was a case of "too little, too late."
As supply hardened, mid level managers were being offered twice and even thrice of their salaries to come on board. As a result, the cost spiral went berserk. The response of the executive management board of the bank was to freeze further growth in India and build a parallel off-shortng competency centre in South East Asia which was not the smartest move given the far higher set up and wage costs of the region.
In the midst of the rollout of this patently flawed strategy, the few effective managers who were drafted in later by the ineffective Indian Local Management were left between a rock and a hard place. In this moment of truth, they could not derive even an iota of inspiration from the virtually redundant business heads who neither had strategic focus nor domain expertise.
India lost out as a result as the higher end designing work went away to South East Asia and the "grunt work" stayed put in our country. But unlike Nomura who acknowledged the problem and took corrective measures, this bank continues to be in denial about the nepotistic hiring upfront that took its Indian back office operations nowhere.

U.S. sees India as security partner

SINGAPORE: The united states will "look to India to be a partner and a net provider of security in the Indian Ocean and beyond" in the coming years.
Such a political preference was outlined by U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates at the eighth annual Asian Security summit, being held here under the auspices of the London-based International Institute for strategic Studies.
Asked to amplify his remark during a question-answer session after his plenary address, Dr. Gates said: "what we see in India is a great power that has tremendous potential to be a major player in bringing international security and stability to a lot of places."
As an initial example, he cited India's current counter-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa.
The U.S., he said, applauded India for the way it "has conducted itself with great sophistication and care over a period of considerable turbulence, including pakistan's political crisis last year and in response to the terrorist attacks in mumbai."
India's continuing contribution to the infrastructure development in Afghanistan was also commended, and pakistan was praised for its anti taliban operations near its border with Afghanistan in recent weeks."
Ties with china
Asked to predict the status of U.S. - china relations in the next decade, Dr. Gates saw this as "more of a mystery than a secret."
However, he noted that the U.S. was already "working with china on common challenges."
On the latest nuclear weapon test by North korea, he said: "we will not stand idly by a North Korea builds the capability to wreak destruction on any target in Asia or on us."

U.S. Preparing for the cyber battlefield

  1. cyber command being created to wage digital warfare
  2. obama announces plans to overhaul cyber security
washington : The U.S.military is moving ahead with plans to create its first "cyber command" designed to bolster America's potential to wage digital warfare as well as defend against cyber threats, officials said on friday.
After President Barack Obama announced his Plans to overhaul cyber security policy, Defence Secretary Robert Gates was expected to sonn formally propose the new cyber command that will be overseen by a four-star officer, Pentagon officials told AFP.
The move reflects a shift in military strategy with "cyber dominance" now part of U.S war doctrine and growing alarm over the perceived threst posed by digital espionage coming from China, Russia and elsewhere.
U.S. officials say china has built up a sophisticated cyber warfare programme and that a spate of intrusions in the United States and elsewhere can be traced back to chinese sources.
Defences officials say the cyber command would focus on security efforts for U.S networks along with offensive capabilities to ensure "freedom of action in cyber space" to protect America's interests.
The Precise details of U.S. cyber military power remain secret, but it includes technology capable of penetrating and jamming networks, including the classified suter airborne system, analysts say.
The technology has been repotedly added to unmanned aircraft and allows for users to take over enemy sensors to "see what enemy sensors see, and even take over as systems administrator so sensors can be manipulated into positions so that approaching aircraft can't be seen," according to Aviation week. Speculation has persisted that Israel may have used the technology in a 2007 air raid against a Syrian construction site.
The new U.S.military cyber centre would be placed initially under U.S. Strategic Command, which is already leading the military's cyber security efforts, and be located at Fort Meade in Maryland. The officer widely expected to lead the command is Lieutenant-General Keith Alexander, the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA). By naming Lt. Gen. Alexander, the obama administration may be hoping to resolve a long-running feud over which agency should have authority over cyber warfare and security. Civil libertie's activists have warned against allowing NSA to oversee cyber security , saying it would place too much power in one agency with the NSA policing the networks that it exploits to carry out eavesdropping.
Mr. Obama's new cyber policy comes as gangs of cyber criminals, foreign intelligence services, industrial spies and hackers increasingly prey on U.S. networks, according to various studies.
There have been reported breaches of the U.S. electricity grid and the F-35 fighter jet programme, and Mr. Obama mentioned a cyber attack-blamed by some accounts on foreign spy services, on the computer hub for his own 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Satyam Computer Considers Eliminating 8,000 Jobs

Satyam Computer Services Ltd., the software company at the center of India’s biggest corporate fraud probe, may cut as many as 8,000 jobs because of a lack of available work, two company officials said.

The company will make an announcement after informing all the employees involved, one of the officials said on condition of anonymity. The cuts represent 17 percent of the workforce, based on the number of employees Hyderabad-based Satyam said it had two months ago.

The fraud has compounded Satyam’s woes as it fights to retain clients and sustain sales as the global recession prompts companies to cut technology spending. Tech Mahindra Ltd., a software exporter with more than 25,000 employees, agreed to buy a controlling stake in Satyam in April after founder Ramalinga Raju said he overstated the company’s assets by $1 billion.

“If the company’s margins have to be brought back to respectable levels, then obviously” it will have to reduce headcount, Apurva Shah, Mumbai-based head of research at brokerage Prabhudas Lilladher Pvt., said by telephone.

Satyam fell 6.6 percent to 66.85 rupees in Mumbai trading, its biggest decline since March 30. The shares have lost 63 percent of their value since Raju’s disclosure on Jan. 7. Tech Mahindra dropped 4.6 percent to 637.4 rupees. The stock has almost doubled in value since the company won the bid to acquire Satyam April 13.

Rajesh Chandiramani, a Mumbai-based spokesman at Tech Mahindra, declined to comment. Sridhar Maturi, a spokesman at Hyderabad, India-based Satyam, also declined to comment.

Client Defections

Tech Mahindra Chairman Anand Mahindra, who outbid billionaire Wilbur Ross and Larsen & Toubro Ltd. with a $579 million offer, has said he is taking a “calculated risk” in buying Satyam before the company restates accounts and without clarity on liabilities from lawsuits in the U.S. The 53-year-old Harvard graduate is also trying to keep Satyam’s clients from joining State Farm Automobile Insurance Co. in canceling orders.

Satyam has lost contracts from about 46 customers to rivals such as International Business Machines Corp. and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., the Economic Times reported in March, citing an unidentified person familiar with the developments. Applied Materials Inc., Nissan Motor Co., Sony Corp. and Telstra Corp. are among companies that have moved or are in the process of seeking out other vendors, the newspaper said at the time.

Excess Employees

Satyam had more than 10,000 excess employees, Vineet Nayyar, chief executive officer of Tech Mahindra, told Reuters on May 22.

Set up as a venture between BT Group Plc and India’s largest utility-vehicle maker, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., in 1986, Tech Mahindra counts the British telecommunications company as its largest client and mainly serves phone companies in Europe. The software exporter had 25,429 employees at the end of December, about half of Satyam’s workforce of 48,000.